Disaster Management Manual
A manual for practitioners and decision makers!
Shifting to digital transformation by integrating several applications from different agencies or ministries is important in order to have comprehensive and accurate information on any disaster event. A risk-based digital map which overlays the infrastructure locations with seismic and geological parameters needs to be up-to-date to determine risk mitigation measures. Furthermore, digitizing the infrastructure condition database so it can be accessed remotely is important and can be a basis for formulating mitigation strategies. Some ongoing examples are prone landslide map, prone flood map, and active mountainous monitoring.
Successful integration of interagency information is key and crucial. Therefore, good coordination amongst ministries or agencies can be successfully done. When this succeeds, accurate information is available and the mitigation and strategies in handling the disaster can be achieved optimally. Interagency coordination for better disaster management includes integrating the information such as landslide, volcano, seismic data, satellite imagery data, rainfall data, road network map, road infrastructure database, and construction services database. With such optimal conditions, when a disaster occurs government and agencies can easily decide on an accurate method for handling it as quickly as possible.
In addition to integrating interagency information, the integration within the road infrastructure database is also crucial for use in disaster management to create a safe and effective evacuation road. There are several existing and new databases that need to be integrated, such as current project engagement, to identify any heavy vehicles available near disaster area, a road network map to decide the best evacuation routes, disaster prone areas, and existing road and bridge asset management. By this integration the information produced is accurate to help those in need.
In detail, developing an integrated road infrastructure database may consist of: