Disaster Management Manual
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4.4.7 References

Chapter 4.4 Evacuation

1 Identification and Analysis of Factors Affecting Emergency Evacuations: Main Report (NUREG/CR-6864, AND2004-5901, Volume 1) https://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/nuregs/contract/cr6864/v1/index.html

2 U.S. Department of Transportation, Report to Congress on Catastrophic Hurricane Evacuation Plan Evaluation https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/reports/hurricanevacuation/index.htm

4.4.2 Evacuation Phases

1 Department of Homeland Security, Crisis Event Response & Recovery Access (CERRA) Framework: https://www.dhs.gov/publication/crisis-event-response-and-recovery-access

4.4.3 Traffic Management During Evacuations

1 FEMA, Mass Evacuations: Determining the Impact of Tourist Populations on Evacuation and Shelter Planning https://www.hsdl.org/?abstract&did=783441

4.4.4 Transportation Evacuation Tools

1 Federal Highway Administration, Using Highways During Evacuation Operations for Events With Advance Notice https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/evac_primer/primer.pdf

4.4.5 Hurricane Evacuation

1 Hurricanes, NOAA https://www.noaa.gov/education/resource-collections/weather-atmosphere/hurricanes

2 Storm Surge Overview, National Hurricane Center, NOAA https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/surge/

4.4.6. Tsunami Evacuation

1 https://www.jma.go.jp/jma/press/1104/13a/201104131600.html (In Japanese)

2 https://www.jma.go.jp/jma/kishou/know/faq/faq26.html (In Japanese)

3 http://www.thr.mlit.go.jp/bumon/kisya/kisyah/images/45064_1.pdf (In Japanese)

4 https://www.mlit.go.jp/policy/shingikai/content/001375672.pdf (In Japanese)

5 2014 N. Aoki et al, Structural and Operational Study of Slope Stairs for Tsunami Evacuation on Sendai-Tobu Expressway and Joban Expressway, Proc. of the 2014 annual meeting of JSCE Tohoku-division, May (In Japanese)

6 2014 N. Aoki et al, Structural and Operational Study of Slope Stairs for Tsunami Evacuation on Sendai-Tobu Expressway and Joban Expressway, Proc. of the 2014 annual meeting of JSCE Tohoku-division, May

7 https://www.thr.mlit.go.jp/road/fukkou/content/summary/bousai.html (In Japanese)

8 2014. The world bank, Learning from Mega disasters - Lessons from the Great East Japan earthquake-, August Overview

1https://tokusuru-bosai.jp/refuge/refuge04.html (In Japanese)



4 https://www.bousai.go.jp/kohou/kouhoubousai/h22/05/special_01.html (In Japanese)

5 https://www.bousai.go.jp/kohou/kouhoubousai/h22/05/special_01.html (In Japanese)

6 https://www.bousai.go.jp/kohou/kouhoubousai/h22/05/special_01.html (In Japanese)

7 https://www.bousai.go.jp/kohou/kouhoubousai/h22/05/special_01.html (In Japanese)

8 https://www.bousai.go.jp/kohou/kouhoubousai/h22/05/special_01.html (In Japanese)

9 https://www.bousai.go.jp/kohou/kouhoubousai/h22/05/special_01.html (In Japanese)

10 https://www.bousai.go.jp/kohou/kouhoubousai/h22/05/special_01.html (In Japanese) Tsunami Countermeasures

12014, Federica Ranghieri and Mikio Ishiwatari, Learning from Mega-disasters -lessons from the great East Japan earthquake, World Bank, pp50, January

22014, Federica Ranghieri and Mikio Ishiwatari, Learning from Mega-disasters -lessons from the great East Japan earthquake, World Bank, pp50, January

32007, N.Syudouet al., Tsunami encyclopedia, Asakura publishing, November


52012, World bank, The Great East Japan Earthquake--Learning from Megadisasters : Knowledge Notes, Executive Summary, September

62007, N.Syudou et al., Tsunami encyclopedia, Asakura publishing, November

72011 Central Disaster Management Council, Cabinet office of Japan, Report of the Committee for Technical Investigation on Countermeasures for Earthquakes and Tsunamis Based on the Lessons Learned from the “2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake”, September, http://www.bousai.go.jp/kaigirep/chousakai/tohokukyokun/pdf/Report.pdf

82011 White paper, Ministry of


92018, N. Kiuchi, et al., Recent Development of Urban Disaster Mitigation in Japan with a Focus on Tsunami, March, www.nilim.go.jp/lab/jbg/othertheme/tsunami-mitigation-e.pdf

102018, N. Kiuchi, et al., Recent Development of Urban Disaster Mitigation in Japan with a Focus on Tsunami, March, www.nilim.go.jp/lab/jbg/othertheme/tsunami-mitigation-e.pdf

11Oregon office of emergency management, Oregon Tsunami Evacuation Wayfinding Guidance, https://www.oregon.gov/oem/Documents/Tsunami_Evacuation_Signage_and_Wayf... Considerations on Tsunami countermeasures and evacuation

12018, N. Kiuchi, et al., Recent Development of Urban Disaster Mitigation in Japan with a Focus on Tsunami, March, www.nilim.go.jp/lab/jbg/othertheme/tsunami-mitigation-e.pdf

22011 Central Disaster Management Council, Cabinet office of Japan, Report of the Committee for Technical Investigation on Countermeasures for Earthquakes and Tsunamis Based on the Lessons Learned from the “2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake”, September, https://www.bousai.go.jp/kaigirep/chousakai/tohokukyokun/pdf/Report.pdf

32012, Tsunami evacuation warking group, Central disaster management council, Cabinet ffice of Japan, Reporton tsunami evacuation measures, July, https://www.bousai.go.jp/jishin/tsunami/hinan/pdf/report.pdf

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