Disaster Management Manual
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2.3.3 References disaster agreement - disaster agreement for disaster response - (JPN)

1, 2, 3, 5 2013, Y. Tannnaka, Disaster agreements and cooperation with private organizations, Journal of road engineering and management review, vol. 872, November (In Japanese)


4 2016, PIARC TC 1.5 “Risk Management”, Risk management for emergency situations, 2016R26EN


6, 7 (For example) 2012, Chiba prefecture, NEXCO East, and Metropolitan Expressway: "Comprehensive partnership among Chiba prefecture, NEXCO East, and Metropolitan Expressway”, October, https://www.shutoko.co.jp/company/press/h24/data/10/1009/ (In Japanese)


8 (For example) 2011, Hanshin Expressway and 6 other urban expressway companies and public corporation: "Agreement on mutual cooperation in emergency restoration work such as during the earthquake", March, (In Japanese), http://www.hanshin-exp.co.jp/topics2/1330999646F.pdf (In Japanese)


9 (For example) 2009, Hanshin Expressway and Kansai Branch of Japan Federation of Construction Contractors: "Agreement on emergency measure activity in the event of a disaster", April(In Japanese)


10  Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism, Why road "clearing" is done quickly, http://www.thr.mlit.go.jp/road/jisinkannrenjouhou_110311/keikairiyuu.pdf (In Japanese)


11 (For example) 2009, Hanshin Expressway and Kansai Branch of Japan civil engineering consultants association: "Agreement on emergency measure activity in the event of a disaster", April (In Japanese)


12 2011, Kinki Branch of Japan civil engineering consultants association: “Large-scale disaster at Kii peninsula, No.12 Typhoon (In Japanese)


13 Road Division, Panel on Infrastructure Development, MLIT: “For ensuring the reliability of the country, including disaster prevention”, Nov. 2012, http://www.mlit.go.jp/common/000229314.pdf (In Japanese)


14 2019, PIARC TC E.3 ”Disaster management”, Disaster information management for road administrators, 2019R09EN DISASTER AGREEMENT - DISASTER INFORMATION PARTNERSHIP - (AUS)

2017, Queensland Government, Queensland Government Crisis Communication Plan, December Tendering and contracting method for promoting disaster recover

2017, S. Takeshita et al, Guidelines for Applying the Tendering and Contracting Method in Disaster Recovery, Journal of JACIC information, No. 116, July (In Japanese)

2017, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and tourism of Japan, Guidelines for Applying the Tendering and Contracting Method in Disaster Recovery, July (In Japanese)

2021, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and tourism of Japan, Guidelines for Applying the Tendering and Contracting Method in Disaster Recovery (Revised on July 2021), July (In Japanese)

2017, S. Takeshita et al, Guidelines for Applying the Tendering and Contracting Method in Disaster Recovery, Journal of JACIC information, No. 116, July (In Japanese)

2021, H. Yoshida, Toward quick disaster restoration” -Development of Guidelines for Applying the Tendering and Contracting Method in Disaster Recovery, Construction monthly, Vol. 65, Japan construction engineers’ association, July (In Japanese)

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