Disaster Management Manual
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2.2.3 References

2. Mitigation


2014, Daniel ALDRICH, Social capital and disaster, ESTRELA No. 246, September [In Japanese translated by Yuu ISHIDA and Yoshikazu FUJISAWA]

2.1 Mitigation measures

2017, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Towards New Stage of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Measures, [In Japanese]

2017, Katsumi YUKAWA et al, New Trend in Disaster Management, The report of Japan Institute of Country-ology and Engineering, Volume 30, January [In Japanese]


2019, Cabinet office of Japan, Hazard estimation caused by Nankai-trough great earthquake (Damage to infrastructures), July (In Japanese), http://www.bousai.go.jp/jishin/nankai/taisaku_wg/pdf/1_sanko.pdf

2012, National Institute for Land Infrastructure Management (NILIM) and Public Works Research Institute (PWRI), Technical Notes’s on Seismic Retrofit Design of Bridges, Technical Note of NILIM No.700 and Technical Note for PWRI No.4244, November

2006, Federal highway administration, US department of transportation, Seismic retrofitting manual for highway bridges, January

2.2.2 Resilient road network



Reference sources

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